Betta Fish Care and Setup

Your first betta fish tank setup doesn't have to be hard. In fact, if you follow this guide and so it's going to be incredibly easy. However, you should be aware that a lot of the data on betta fish isn't 100% correct. So not but are you lot going to learn how to set up the perfect tank for your betta, but you'll also learn what non to do!

The Ultimate Betta Fish Tank Setup Guide

This guide is going to be cleaved down into unlike parts. The starting time part will explain exactly what you're going to demand to create the perfect home for your betta. The second part will deal with how exactly to set up your tank and what your betta needs to be happy!

First of all, let's talk about the tank.

What To Expect For In A Betta Tank

When looking for a betta tank at that place is a lot of misinformation around which tin can cause y'all to end upward buying a tank that is dangerous and fell for your betta.

The Most Common Myth

The most common myth is that bettas can survive in tanks equally small-scale as 1 gallon, or more commonly two.5 gallons. Both of which are only partially truthful. Sure a betta Can survive in tanks that small. But they won't survive for very long, and they definitely won't exist happy.

If you lot're because getting a tank that small then you should reconsider.

What Tank Size Should You Get?

You should be getting a tank that's a MINIMUM of 5 gallons in size. Bigger is e'er going to be better when housing any fish including bettas.

In that location are so many benefits of using a larger tank including:

  • Giving your betta more room to swim and do.
  • More space to add together plants and decorations to entertain your betta and give him hiding places.
  • Temperature and pH fluctuations will occur less.
  • You won't have to perform h2o changes as oftentimes.

Want to know how to setup a v gallon tank?

Lids Are Often Better

While it's non essential you should too endeavor to find a tank with a chapeau. Bettas are known to leap, and if they jump out of the tank and onto the floor, they simply have a few minutes to be rescued earlier they dice.

Still, a tank without a chapeau isn't deal breaker, equally there are other things yous tin can do to stop your betta jumping out of the water. Such as creating your own lid, or placing netting or mesh over the peak.

Cull Length Over Meridian

Okay, as long every bit you're picking a tank that'due south 5 gallons or bigger then your betta volition be happy. However, in the back of your mind, you lot should also be looking for tanks which have more length than height, such every bit the Fluval Spec V.

The reason for this is because bettas swim from side to side, not upwards and down.

But until you're thinking almost buying larger aquariums this actually isn't going to be as much of an effect.

Check out the full Fluval Spec V Review.

What Are The All-time Tanks?

Name Fluval Spec V Penn Plax v Gallon Curved Marine 5 Gal Fluval Flex ix Marina 10 Gal
Size 5 Gal 5 Gal 5 Gal 9 Gal ten Gal
Filter Yeah Yes Yes Yeah Yes
Lite Yes Yep Yes Aye Yes
Lid No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Does Your Betta Need A Filter?

Side by side, you may be wondering well-nigh whether your betta is going to need a filter. After all, you may have seen pictures floating around the internet of bettas in fish bowls with goose egg else.

Well, your betta will be a lot better off with a filter in his tank.

Without a filter, the water is going to become dingy a lot quicker and information technology will also need a lot more frequent h2o changes (often daily). With a filter, y'all just have to clean the tank every week or a couple of weeks. So for the sake of $twenty you lot're going to end up saving yourself a lot of time.

When choosing a filter yous should choose one which has a slow flow. Bettas like calm water and if the filter is too strong information technology's going to button him around the tank.

  • Endeavour to wait for filters with adjustable flow. These are going to be the best ones for the job and tin can help create the platonic environment.
  • If your filters current is too strong you can endeavor using decorations, plants and filter sponge to slow the rate of menstruation equally well.
  • Yous should besides buy a filter that has iii stages of filtration. Mechanical, chemical and biological. While yous can often become filters with specific cartridges to use, in general, they're never as good.

Want to know more near why filters are and so of import?

Does Your Betta Need A Heater?

Side by side upwardly you lot're going to demand to get a heater for your betta's tank. It'southward always important to take a heater even if the room your housing your betta in is constantly warm.

Information technology simply takes one big fluctuation in temperature or a common cold day, to drastically reduce the warmth in a nano tank. Which could potentially crusade your betta to suffer from temperature shock.

One thing that yous should be aware of is that heaters on very small tanks (3 gallons or smaller) can exist dangerous. They can easily overheat the tank which will stress your betta or if it becomes too hot, outright kill him. This is another reason you should use a 5-gallon tank or bigger.

When you're using a heater equally a rule of thumb you want roughly 3-5 watts per gallon of water in your tank. For bigger tanks it can often exist better to add a couple of heaters, to ensure the whole aquarium stays warm.

Desire to know more about why heaters are so important?

Which Substrate Is Best?

The substrate is what you're going to line the bottom of your tank with. In most cases people utilise gravel, nevertheless, you can besides utilise sand, aquarium soil, or choose no substrate (however, this isn't recommended).

You're going to want to add substrate for a number of dissimilar reasons.

First of all, it'due south going to provide a lot of infinite for beneficial bacteria to grow. The large surface expanse your gravel has is ideal for leaner to get-go multiplying. And when you lot remove your biological media, you won't lose all the bacteria in your tank!

As well as that substrate is often perfect for belongings plants in place. As you lot'll presently find out bettas beloved plants, so it's of import to brand sure you fill up your tank with them.

And lastly, your betta will often swim along the bottom of the tank, then you want to make sure it'southward nice for him.

Picking A Substrate

When picking a substrate you should make sure it isn't also large, abrupt or rough. The last thing yous demand is for your betta to get caught or cut himself on the substrate. Too as this large gravel can trap food, which will rot and produce more ammonia in your tank.

If you're calculation plants it may besides be better to avoid sand also. Plants can sometimes have a difficult time digging their roots through the sand because of how meaty it is.

A choice between gravel and aquarium soil is normally best. Fluval Plant And Shrimp Stratum is what I utilize, and information technology'due south helped my plants abound beautifully!

While it'southward non essential, it's always nice to pick a natural looking substrate equally well. Information technology volition make the tank experience more natural for your betta. And every bit a benefit to you, it volition besides make his colors popular!

Plants & Decorations

Plants and decorations are going to be what actually modify how your tank looks. They're also going to be the key to making certain your betta feels at abode.

Large plants, driftwood, and caves are also going to provide shady areas and hiding places for your betta. Too every bit this, they'll too entertain him and give him lots of places to explore. Which will greatly reduce the run a risk of boredom and low if you're keeping him by himself

When you're choosing plants it's always amend to choice lives ones. All the same, if you really don't want alive plants so you should employ silk plants, and make sure they're soft.

Just recollect, live plants are better than silk plants as they provide more oxygen in the h2o as well every bit harbor beneficial bacteria and help remove harmful waste from the tank.

You should always avoid plastic plants and any decorations which are too difficult, or that your betta may snag his tail on. If you lot do have a decoration in mind that you desperately want in your tank then yous should try sanding it down beforehand.

(Find out about groovy toys you lot can put in your betta'southward tank.)

Do Bettas Need Lighting?

And lastly, you're going to want to make sure yous get the right lighting for your betta. Believe information technology or not, your betta has similar lighting needs to you. He'll demand to be able to know the departure betwixt daytime and nighttime.

Without this divergence in lighting, he'll become stressed. And he'll also have problems knowing when to eat and non.

Ideally you lot're going to want to buy lighting that you can modify the setting on, nonetheless, whatsoever LED light volition piece of work well.

Setting Upwardly Your Betta Tank

Now it'due south time for your betta fish tank setup. This is where things are going to get fun and yous can brand your tank exactly the fashion yous want it. Yet, y'all likewise need to brand sure everything is perfect for your betta. Here are the steps you lot should follow.

Cleaning The Tank/Checking The Leaks

Starting time of all, you lot're going to want to clean your tank and bank check for leaks. The best way to do this is to place it in the bathroom, or on a soft mat in your garden. Once you lot've done either, make full it up with h2o and give the inside a scrub with a cloth.


The cleaning product tin can linger, poison your betta and even kill him.

While you're doing this check for any leaks that are coming out of the tank. If there aren't whatsoever leaks then use a gravel vacuum or cup to empty all the h2o out of the tank.

Do not try to pick the tank up when information technology'due south full of water. Non only is it going to be heavy, but it'southward besides a lot more probable that you lot'll intermission it.


One of the most overlooked fundamentals when because the best aquarium setup for betta fish is planning where exactly you're going to put information technology.

If you put it somewhere to sunny then the backlog calorie-free may crusade an extreme growth in algae. Withal, if you put it somewhere too cold, or with abiding temperature fluctuations and so the temperature in your tank could become unstable.

This can sometimes result in temperature shock, which tin can be fatal to bettas.

Because of this, it'southward generally best to place the tank near the middle of the house instead of past any windows. This volition reduce the chance of sunlight and drafts affecting it. However, make sure you try keeping it away from radiators (specially if you live in warmer climates).

And lastly, make sure you place your tank somewhere young children and pets can't get to it. The last thing you lot need is to spend all your fourth dimension taking care of your betta, merely for an blow to happen.

(You'll besides need to accept into consideration which blazon of filter you're using. If you're using something like a HOB filter then you'll need to exit a few inches behind your tank for the filter to go.)

Adding Substrate

Once yous've got your tank placed exactly where you want it, the adjacent step is to add together substrate. This is fairly simple and if you're planning on calculation live plants then you lot should aim for about 2 inches of substrate across the tank.

Fluval Stratum is the best choice if you're going to be using a planted aquarium, and it also has the added benefit of looking nice and natural.

If you programme on using Fluval Stratum or any aquarium soil then you should just add it to the tank and leave it. However, if yous plan on using gravel or sand you should wash it a few times beforehand to brand certain information technology'south clean.

Calculation Plants & Decoration

Next footstep is to add together the plants that you lot desire. Before you do this, you should make full your tank a couple of inches loftier with h2o. To keep the gravel undisturbed place a plate underneath where you program on pouring the water.

Once you've added a couple of inches of h2o to the tank use a dechlorinator and expect 10-fifteen minutes.

Next step is to add together whatsoever decorations where you want them. If y'all're not sure what decorations to add to your tank then here's a list of the all-time decorations for bettas. It'due south ever adept to add together some sort of cave for your betta to hibernate in.

In one case you've added the decorations the next step is to add your plants. When adding plants make sure you're definitely able to bury their roots in the substrate. Some plants such as anubias volition die if their roots are buried and instead will need to latch onto something.

If you're non certain what plants to add and then java moss, betta bulbs and marimo moss balls are smashing beginner plants that become well in any tank.

Nonetheless, if you know what plants you want and they need their roots buried now is the time to do so.

And lastly, plant the bigger plants at the back of the tank and decrease their size the closer to the front you lot get. Non only will this enable you to see into your tank more clearly, but it will also make the tank look bigger.

Filling The Tank

In one case you lot've got everything exactly where you want it, it'southward time to fill up the rest of the tank.

Retrieve that it'south a lot better to pour water onto a plate in your tank instead of directly in. If y'all try to pour h2o directly in, and so you lot're going to cease upwardly displacing all of your plants as well as causing craters in your substrate.

And when yous're filling your tank make sure you give your betta almost an inch of space at the peak to breathe from. Bettas need to breathe from the air and water to stay healthy.

Another reason to get out virtually an inch of space is to reduce the chance of your betta jumping out.

Once yous've poured all the h2o yous need into the tank you just need to add your h2o conditioner to remove whatever chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals.

I'd recommend API Stress Coat. Not only is it a water conditioner, only it as well doubles up as a stress reliever, for when you add your betta.

Adding Your Filter

Now that your tank is full of h2o you'll need to add together your filter. In some aquariums, in that location'll exist a compartment specifically designed to hide your filter.

However, if your aquarium doesn't have this and then cull where you're going to identify it. It's normally better to place it at the top and dorsum of your aquarium where it's out of the way. However, depending on the filter you have it may need to go under the gravel or hang off the back of the tank.

And lastly, when you're adding your filter make sure you try to wearisome the flow as best you can. If y'all find the menstruation is peculiarly strong, you can endeavor inexplainable the filter, adding sponge, or using decorations to cake the current.

Hither'southward a full guide on slowing the menstruation of your filter.

Adding Your Heater

Next, it'due south time to add the heater. When you're placing your heater y'all want to get it as close to the filter every bit possible. Doing this volition aid warm water broadcast through your whole tank instead of beingness in only one surface area.

In most cases, your heater will have suction cups which you tin can utilise to attach it to your tank.

The temperature should be set to 78°F ideally, however, anything between 76 – 82°F volition be fine for your betta. The real cardinal is to keep the temperature stable.

Cycling Your Tank

The final step before adding your betta is to cycle the tank. In that location are two ways you can exercise this an in-fish cycle (not recommended) and a fishless bike (recommended).

Betta fish care is tricky, but with proper guidance, you can succeed! Click hither to read a comprehensive guide!

Fishless Bike

If you choose a fishless cycle, information technology basically means you're going to be giving your tank time to abound leaner without having whatsoever fish in it. Without bacteria, in that location'll exist a buildup of ammonia that tin be fatal to your betta.

One of the virtually important things you can do when performing a fishless cycle is adding beneficial bacteria that intermission down ammonia. Fluval Biological Enhancer is my preferred one, just you can use whichever one you recall is best.

To find out everything you need to know about fishless cycles I found this article incredibly helpful.

In-Fish Cycle

As well as performing a fishless bicycle yous can besides practise an in-fish cycle. In one case again you're going to demand a biological enhancer to kickstart your aquarium.

In one case you've dosed the tank with plenty bacteria, bank check the parameters to see if the ammonia and nitrite are at 0ppm and the nitrate is at 20ppm (parts per million). You'll need the API Master Examination Kit to practise this.

If the parameters are met then you can add your betta. Nevertheless, once he'due south in there you'll need to test the water every day as well as perform frequent water changes to keep the ammonia levels low.

You should also use an ammonia detoxifier like API Ammo Lock to neutralize any build-up of ammonia which could quickly become toxic to your betta.

Because in fish cycles are more stressful, it'due south not recommended that y'all exercise them. Non but volition they crusade your betta unnecessary feet, merely it's likewise a lot more likely he'll die during the process.

(Find what you need to know to continue your betta with other fish.)


In that location'south a lot to have in on this article. Here are some of the central points you're going to need to call back in club to make certain your betta stays happy and healthy.

  • Information technology'southward a myth that bettas need small tanks. You should go along your betta in a tank that's a minimum of v gallons in size.
  • You should try to find a tank with a lid to reduce the take a chance of your betta jumping out. Nevertheless, you tin can also use netting every bit a cover for your tank.
  • When choosing a tank pick ane that is long rather than loftier.
  • Your betta needs a filter and heater to be happy.
  • You tin can choose any substrate every bit long as it'southward non sharp or rough.
  • Alive plants are better than fake plants, but if yous have to have fake plants make sure they're silk.
  • Also, add lots of hiding places for your betta.
  • Yous should accept a light in your tank to assistance your bettas circadian rhythm.
  • Before you fill up your tank make certain you clean it and cheque it for any leaks.
  • When placing your tank you should make sure it's not near a window or straight sunlight.
  • As you lot fill the tank, it helps to use a plate to slow the flow of water and go on your decorations and plants in identify.
  • Yous tin perform a fishless or in-fish cycle. However, fishless cycles are highly recommended.

Is Your Betta Fish Living Lonely?

If so, so you lot may be interested to know about lots of tank mates that tin can live with them. Then check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide where you'll learn about 68 unlike tank mates that tin live with your betta, equally well as fish to avoid. Yous'll besides learn how to create the perfect environs for mates, how to introduce tank mates and much more! So check it out!

If you liked this article, brand sure you bank check out the residue of the website! And if you have any more questions you can ask them in the Q&A Department!

Betta Tank Mate Guide

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Subscribe beneath and not simply will yous exist up to date on everything betta, but you'll besides receive a gratuitous eBook. The eBook "How To Build An Aquarium Bonsai Tree" will teach yous step past step how you can make an underwater bonsai tree and plow your tank into an underwater garden!

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